K-12 Online Public School in North Carolina!
North Carolina Cyber Academy provides free K–12 online education to students throughout North Carolina. As a charter school, we serve the community by offering all the services and resources needed to create a well-rounded student experience. Just like public schools, charter schools are free and available to anyone.
No child will be denied admission on account of inability to afford the necessary equipment and connectivity.
Our Core Values
Opportunities for All
Willingness to Grow
Life Readiness
Supportive Environment
Upcoming Events

Our Vision
Premier virtual school empowering students to lead, serve, and soar.
Our Mission
Preparing students through personalized virtual learning for success in tomorrow's world.
Our Goals
Student Engagement
Personalized Learning
Supportive Environment
NCCA is hiring!
New Student Engagement Policy for 22-23
For the 2022 - 2023 school year, NCCA will be implementing a new student engagement and attendance policy. Be sure to review the details below in preparation for the start of school on August 8th!

The Department of Public Instruction and the Center for Safer Schools, in collaboration with the Department of Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management, shall implement and maintain an anonymous safety tip line application available statewide for purposes of receiving anonymous student information on internal or external risks to the school population, school buildings, and school-related activities. Public secondary schools shall inform
students about the application and provide opportunities for students to learn about its purpose and function.
Link to additional resources: